Saturday, February 18, 2012

I recently discovered that my very powerful custom made computer had a bootleg Windows XP Pro installed. I took it to professionals who installed a proper copy of XP Pro. They saved all the data. Now I am trying to use the Office Suite and I don't know how to reinstall Word or any of the rest. Is there a techy who knows how to do this?|||If a big company costume made it, contact Microsoft and tell them that they put a bootleg copy on it. You simply need to insert the Microsoft Office CD and follow the on screen instructions. If you want to just change the product key, look here:|||you need to have an installation disk that will reinstall your office. Or can u contact the tech that installed the os and tell him you didnt get your office package. And he should have a copy just make sure its not an trial.|||Dont need a pro for this, what you need is the software CD|||You should be able to just put the cd in your optical drive and the startup program should begin. If it doesn't, open My Computer and click on your CD Drive. That will show you a list of files in the root directory of the CD. Double click on either "setup" or "autorun" file and the setup program will start. Then you just follow the prompts.


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