Friday, February 24, 2012

should i get microsoft office installed for 90 dollars or just get open office which is the same thing but its free which one should I get|||Does MS Office do anything that OpenOffice won't that you need?

Whether or not you get MS Office you may as well get OpenOffice anyway if it's free (and it does most of what people use MS Office for so you probably wouldn't miss anything).

Although $90 isn't much for MS Office (it might actually be close to a fair price) and if you aren't paying for it...|||Depends on how much knowledge you have with Open.Office. The fact that you're asking about it, tells me that you should stick to what you know. Get the MS Office suite installed, and if you want, start playing around with Open Office. 90 dollars is not a bad price for office.|||With my personal experience with OpenOffice2.3 on Linux platform, I think that OpenOffice has MOST of the features that Microsoft Office has, but unfortunatly not ALL,
If you think that you will be using it for only writing essays "using Word" only, then save your money,
In the case that you want to use it more professionally the go with Microsoft which has more and lots of prefect and easy to use tweaks and features.


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