Friday, February 24, 2012

Legally you purchased one license. So you can install it on one machine only. Any one you like.|||Good question since I spent hours trying to get this info and even Microsoft's website was incorrect. When I asked them for clarification and told them what their web page said they told me it was wrong and they would correct it. Quite frankly license agreements for this product depend on what version of Office you have. Best way to know for sure is to check the license agreement in your current copy.

For Office 2007 this is how you check it:

To view the Microsoft Software License Terms for your product after it is installed, do one of the following in these 2007 Microsoft Office system programs:

Access, Excel, PowerPoint, or Word
Click the Microsoft Office Button, and then click Program Name Options, where Program Name is the name of the program you are in, for example, Word Options.
Click Resources, and then click About.
Click View the Microsoft Software License Terms.
For other versions it should be under Help -> About if I remember right

Hope that helps|||If you mean like windows word, excel, power point etc? then yes you can install them onto 3 different computers!

Don't however push your luck and do it more then 3 times... a guy i know who works for microsoft informed me that if the find out that a softwear has been missed used... they will send you a virus which deletes your photo's and ruins your hard drive... could be a rumor but i wouldn't chance it, he does work for them so i take his word!!|||If you have a legit copy of office, Use it. Why buy if you already own it. Unless you are looking for very last version.


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