Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Where can i get a free clean download of windows office 2007!!
Thanks In Advance!
Please Post Link!!|||here鈥?/a> from the official site, generally if you download something without paying, you can face prosecution or jail. The student and home does not cost much, all you can do is save up some money everyday. you can download the trial version as much as you like/ until you buy the full version, all you need is an email adress preferably msn. If you want to, you can kick off a free version of office 2010, it might be slow, at times, but it is a good one, remeber that its a beta so there might be problems with it, and email any feedback to microsoft, download it here鈥?/a> i am also using it|||This is illegal. You are committing piracy if you download a free version of Microsoft Office, so I hope you don't. But you can download the free trial version at|||Well, pirating software like that is illegal, and punishment for things like that can be severe. Your best bet to try and get it for free (keep in mind that it is illegal) is by using some sort of peer to peer program.|||You can't. And asking this is a violation of the Yahoo community guidelines, because you are asking how to steal something, which I am sure you know.

You have a free alternative: Open Office. Find it at


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