Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I dont have the case it came in. There was no reformatting disc.|||The Disc case it came on should have it on the back
C, age 13 youth computer geek|||You will have to reinstall Windows office 2003 from CD or if you are using a laptop/desktop computer that had the office 2003 come with it you can check the case of the computer, it will most likely have the serial code that you are looking for, if not you will need to pop into your nearest computer repair shop and get a copy of windows xp/office if you don't have any of the two disks.

You should never perform a HD reformat if you don't have the disks that you should have and will need.|||Did you buy Office 2003 or did it come with your computer? If you bought it, check the box. If it came with your computer, try calling customer support of your computer's manufacturer. If you pirated it, I can't help you.


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