Tuesday, February 21, 2012

i'm having my oral presentation and i'm not sure if a 2003 windows office format run in a 2007 version. :)|||Yes. The file you saved in 2003 will have a .ppt (for example) and 2007 will open it. When you close it, it would give you an option to save it as 2007 format (.pptx), which you can choose or ignore and resave as .ppt. Earlier there was no backward compatibility (pptx opening in 2003) but now that works too.|||Microsoft Office 2003 has some patches for converting 2007 files. When you open a file on your computer, it will start to say "Converting..." and then open up in a minute.

If you modify the file in any way and save it, it will run the converting tool again. You can change it to your format by going to File/Save As and change it to Microsoft (type) Document. or 2000 (type) document.|||Yes. It would run in compatibility mode. You may save it as it is, or you may save it as .docx, .pptx and so on. But it would not happen otherwise. If you want to view Office 2007 documents on a computer with only Office 2003 installed, download this Office compatibility pack from Microsoft:


Be advised that you could only view documents saved in Office 2007 format if you installed the compatibility pack. You will need Office 2007 installed in your system if you are to make modifications in these document formats.|||Yes.
Going from Windows 2003 to 2007 is not too much trouble; however, the other way around from 2007 to 2003, you will lose some of the features incorporated in the new version.

If you are using Windows 2007 you can use Save As and do it in 2003 or 2007. The x at the end of the end of the extension would tell you the version you are saving into. docx= Word 2007, doc=Word 2003.

Be aware that when you open your presentation if it's saved in 2007 and you are using 2007, it may tell you that some features will be lost and if you want to continue. The answer is up to you and depends on how much time you have. I had done this one for one of my classmates and it was in the spare of the moment. It works. Good luck.

If you are using Windows 2003 and you need to open a document done in 2007, use a converter. Here is the link:
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=941B3470-3AE9-4AEE-8F43-C6BB74CD1466&displaylang=en|||Yes, it will open and run fine. The 2007 xml format is usually a problem for the 2003 Windows Office, but you can download a free compatibility pack for that from Microsoft.|||Yes, it will.

But, if you modify the file in any way, you have to use Save As... to save it in the older 2003 file format or you won't be able to open it with MSO 2003 ever again.|||Open it up in 2007 and it will ask you if you want to go to windows.com to download a format reader to read 2003 files.|||Yes it should but if you had a offfice 2007 format file and wanted to open it in office 2003 you couldnt|||yerr it will|||Yes, it will. MS would not prevent people from opening their own format!|||no


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